Take the Risk

Turning 40 can really do something to a gal. I turned 40 during the pandemic, in the midst of trying to escape a toxic work environment while caring for three children under 5 years old. And I didn’t really recognize my complete exhaustion nor did I begin to understand the effects of that isolation and trauma on me until a few years later. I know I am not unique; we all suffered in one way or another from the global pandemic. But it was only recently, after tuning into the universe's loud messaging to me, including a serious health scare, that I committed myself to really overcoming the detrimental effects of these past few years. 

You see, although the pandemic is no longer a threat, I still haven't resumed hosting dinner parties, scheduling regular playdates for my kids, or planning family adventures. Just a few months ago, it would only take two minutes to walk around my house and see its bare walls, my grossly disorganized garage, my overflowing closet, and my messy backyard to realize that I am not living the life of my dreams. I survived, yes. But I wasn't totally back. However, with newfound determination to build more rest into my life, design a self-care routine, put myself back into the center of my life, reclaim my health, and reawaken to all of life’s possibilities, I'm committed to living bravely, boldly, and endlessly in pursuit of a life filled with joy. 

I actually began my journey to wholeness almost two years ago, beginning with establishing a daily gym routine, purely because I needed to see people and have an excuse to leave my house. I work from home and I can easily find myself going all day without even a step outside. Additionally, I discovered the effects of endorphins! I know, I’m so late to this party. I somehow missed this lesson in high school. Now, just after a quick 30 minutes on the elliptical, I find myself smiling in meetings, handling tough dilemmas with clarity of thought, and speaking more kindly to my kids. Dang, I wish I knew this was possible 10+ years ago! 

I also began writing every morning, getting all those swirling thoughts in my head out and onto a page. The magic of the pen on paper has led to some fantastic breakthroughs and a rediscovery of my creative self. I love writing. I’ve always known that somewhere deep down inside but now, I’m actually doing it, and I’m committed to it. 

I booked a family trip and a solo trip and both turned out to be transformative experiences for our family. The family trip was so memorable that our 5-year old daughter is still drawing pictures of our adventures from that experience a year later. As for my solo trip, it solidified my enthusiasm for travel and entrepreneurship. You see, the biggest risk of all, over these past few years, has been launching my own business, Take the Risk Leadership Group. As someone who has been an executive in education, nonprofit, tech startups, and Fortune 100 companies for over 20 years, I have a unique skill set and expertise to help individuals, teams, and businesses from many different industries thrive. It's been a complete joy to offer my services and work with individuals, new businesses, enterprise leaders, watching them transform through our work together. Betting on myself and my expertise has been the most rewarding thing I have done.

I didn’t think that reclaiming my life was going to take this long. I naively thought it would only take a few months of concentrated effort. I couldn’t be more wrong. But when I look back and see all of the progress I’ve made in the past 4-years, and the dreams I have for my future, I know there is no going back. 


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